In our user environment, we find deadlock cause by this example.

However, in this case, sometimes session 2 and session 3 lead to dead lock and sometimes it won’t.

create table t(a int AUTO_INCREMENT, b int, PRIMARY KEY (a));
insert into t(a, b) values(10, 8);
insert into t(a, b) values(5, 8); 

session 1: begin; delete from t where a=5;
session 2: insert into t(a, b) values (5, 8) on duplicate key update b = 11;
session 3: insert into t(a, b) values (5, 8) on duplicate key update b = 11;

session 1: commit;

# Then sometimes session 2 and session 3 lead to dead lock and sometimes it won't.

I find the root cause is lock inherit cause the deadlock.

In session 1 get the record 5 X, REC_NOT_GAP lock.

Then session 2 waiting in the record 5 X, REC_NOT_GAP lock.

And session 3 waiting in the record 5 X, REC_NOT_GAP lock.

| thread_id | index_name | lock_type | lock_mode     | LOCK_STATUS | lock_data |
|       148 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,REC_NOT_GAP | WAITING     | 5         |
|       150 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,REC_NOT_GAP | WAITING     | 5         |
|       146 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,REC_NOT_GAP | GRANTED     | 5         |

Then when session 1 execute commit, there is two scenario:

Whether the record 5 was purged after session 1 commit and before session 2 and session 3 was executing.

If the record was not purged, the record 5 won’t be physical deleted, then only one session, session2 or session 3 will get the 5 X, REC_NOT_GAP lock, then the session 2 and session 3 doing the insert one by one.

This scenario will not cause deadlock.

If the record was purged, the record 5 was physical deleted, then the waiting records will inherit to next record. Then session 2 and session 3 will wait for record 10, X GAP lock. Then session 2 and session 3 will both get the record 10, X GAP lock. Then they will doing the insert work, both sessions hold the X GAP lock and waiting other’s X,GAP,INSERT_INTENTION lock. Then deadlock happend.

Get the lock information by adding a breakpoint before deadlock check.

| thread_id | index_name | lock_type | lock_mode              | LOCK_STATUS  | lock_data |
|       148 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,GAP                  | GRANTED      | 10        |
|       148 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,GAP,INSERT_INTENTION | WAITING      | 10        |
|       150 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,GAP                  | GRANTED      | 10        |
|       150 | PRIMARY    | RECORD    | X,GAP,INSERT_INTENTION | WAITING      | 10        |

The deadlock information from mysql


The default behaviour of lock inherit is Let the next record’s GAP lock inherit the record’s REC_NOT_GAP lock.

However, in this case, the X REC_NOT_GAP lock is conflict with X REC_NOT_GAP lock, after the inherit, X REC_NOT_GAP lock inherit to next record’s X GAP lock. The X GAP lock won’t conflict with X GAP lock. Then two sessions both get the X GAP lock, then the deadlock happened.

I suggest in X REC_NOT_GAP lock inherit case, let the next record inherit the NEXT-KEY lock, then in this case NEXT_KEY lock conflict with NEXT_KEY lock, the deadlock won’t happened.

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